
I am an English/Irish visionary artist based in Glastonbury, England.

My art is influenced by my work and studies in Transpersonal Arts counselling (Anthroposophic Art Therapy). More recently I am inspired by my training with Red School in Menstrual Cycle Awareness and the magic of menstruality. Training at Bath Spa Univerisity gave me the foundation in working in a studio and creating art, but I knew I wanted to go deeper with the healing, the therapy and the spiritual aspect of making art.

A natural researcher, I weave together these varied studies and trainings to create my big, bold and unapologetic paintings. Working very much from the unconscious whilst painting, my recent works focused on my womb and all the wisdom and knowledge it holds, I work intuitively until the image finds it way. Carl Jung coined the expression ‘collective unconscious’ he believed we all communicate and exchange thoughts this way, I have also come to believe that our wombs have this quality. Through my meditative painting I bring forth images from my womb which I can then communicate with or recreate and expand the idea bigger onto canvases. By working with the unconscious this way we can really tap into what it means to live the human experience today.

Within my workshops and retreats I share this way of creating as your creative midwife, sharing ways to birth unique and meaningful art work into the world for healing and over all well- being.

‘Sinead loves to experience and immerse herself in new cultures and has been involved in projects within India and Morocco. Her positive energy is abundant and infectious as is her passion for life, people and art.’

I hold a BA(hons) in Fine Art Painting from Bath Spa Univeristy. Many years later I gained my MA in Anthroposophical Art Therapy at Tobias School of Art and Therapy. Fully registered to practice with the BACP.
