Placenta Creative Ceramony


Our Placenta is our babies first Mother. It is the incredible life giving, nourishing organ that protects our child in the womb. The tree of life.

I shall create a beautiful creative ritual and ceramony at my studio with you, honouring and respecting your birth and the passage into motherhood.

I shall guide you to create beautiful art prints of your placenta. You will make up to eight stunning prints on high quality watercolour paper, ready for you to frame and hang with pride in your home.

This is fully customisable, you can choose how you want your print to look. They can made using the natural blood of the placenta or made with coloured inks of your choice.

I also offer the option of me painting into one of your prints inspired by the Aboriginal belief. They believe that our soul is imprinted into our placenta. That is has a unique imprint of our souls’s journey. I shall use the Aboriginal dot painting technique and create a stunning masterpiece for you to treasure forever.

Let me guide and honour you in this beautiful ceramony honouring your rite into motherhood. We will create the prints together, share homemade blended tea to support your postpartum and I shall hold space for your brith journey. You will be completley held and nourished by this ritual. All in all we will allow 3 hours for this.

I look forward to create some unique artwork with you of your wonderful ‘tree of life’!

Any questions do not hesiate to get in touch.

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Our Placenta is our babies first Mother. It is the incredible life giving, nourishing organ that protects our child in the womb. The tree of life.

I shall create a beautiful creative ritual and ceramony at my studio with you, honouring and respecting your birth and the passage into motherhood.

I shall guide you to create beautiful art prints of your placenta. You will make up to eight stunning prints on high quality watercolour paper, ready for you to frame and hang with pride in your home.

This is fully customisable, you can choose how you want your print to look. They can made using the natural blood of the placenta or made with coloured inks of your choice.

I also offer the option of me painting into one of your prints inspired by the Aboriginal belief. They believe that our soul is imprinted into our placenta. That is has a unique imprint of our souls’s journey. I shall use the Aboriginal dot painting technique and create a stunning masterpiece for you to treasure forever.

Let me guide and honour you in this beautiful ceramony honouring your rite into motherhood. We will create the prints together, share homemade blended tea to support your postpartum and I shall hold space for your brith journey. You will be completley held and nourished by this ritual. All in all we will allow 3 hours for this.

I look forward to create some unique artwork with you of your wonderful ‘tree of life’!

Any questions do not hesiate to get in touch.

Our Placenta is our babies first Mother. It is the incredible life giving, nourishing organ that protects our child in the womb. The tree of life.

I shall create a beautiful creative ritual and ceramony at my studio with you, honouring and respecting your birth and the passage into motherhood.

I shall guide you to create beautiful art prints of your placenta. You will make up to eight stunning prints on high quality watercolour paper, ready for you to frame and hang with pride in your home.

This is fully customisable, you can choose how you want your print to look. They can made using the natural blood of the placenta or made with coloured inks of your choice.

I also offer the option of me painting into one of your prints inspired by the Aboriginal belief. They believe that our soul is imprinted into our placenta. That is has a unique imprint of our souls’s journey. I shall use the Aboriginal dot painting technique and create a stunning masterpiece for you to treasure forever.

Let me guide and honour you in this beautiful ceramony honouring your rite into motherhood. We will create the prints together, share homemade blended tea to support your postpartum and I shall hold space for your brith journey. You will be completley held and nourished by this ritual. All in all we will allow 3 hours for this.

I look forward to create some unique artwork with you of your wonderful ‘tree of life’!

Any questions do not hesiate to get in touch.


Honour your birth with a unique print to cherish.

Life is art!

footprint frame.jpg

“I didn’t know what to expect when heading to Holly’s to do a prints of my placenta, and I was even a bit afraid of how I would feel handling my placenta. I am queasy with blood and a vegan, but as soon as I touched her (my placenta) I was connected to the wild nature within me and connected right back to the birth even though it was an emergency ceasearan. It is hard to put into words but it filled the hole of not having the birth I planned. Holly made the whole process so fun, we had a great time getting funky and creative while being fully in the sacred space of working with this sacred organ. The prints came out beautifully and I have so many to work with and exhibit now. I 100% recommend Holly to anyone. “
